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Waffles Aren't JUST for breakfast; Here are 2 unique Patisserie Lebeau Recipes featuring Waffles



While Belgian waffles are commonly seen as breakfast items, a lot of Belgians actually eat waffles throughout the day. That's why we came up with different recipes to incorporate both Liege and Brussels waffles in both sweet and savoury snacks and desserts! Let us know down below which one you would like to try or which one is your favourite!

First up, Chocolate Waffle Tart.

Why have just one type of dessert when you can have a mashup! While this may look a bit complicated, it's definitely worth the work and will impress your guests or family and friends. For the tart shell, you can either make your own, use a store-bought, ready to use tart shell or if you don't feel like either of those, a ramekin works perfectly fine! The waffle part can be done by stopping by our store and getting either our fresh Liege waffles or our frozen Liege boxes which are available at our store and select grocery stores! We will also be making a simple syrup to soak the waffles in for more flavour. Simple syrups, as the name suggests, are very easy to make and can be easily adaptable. Essentially, the ratio is equal; 1:1 of sugar and water. To make less, you can simply half it; 1/2 cup of sugar and 1/2 cup of water. If you want more, add more (2 cups of sugar, 2 cups of water).

YOU WILL NEED: (to make 5-6 tarts)

Either homemade tart shells, ready-made shells, or ramekin (souffle pot)


- 1/2 lbs of dark sweet chocolate chopped fine

- 6 oz of whipping cream or heavy cream

- 1oz of butter

5-6 Patisserie Lebeau Liege Waffles (or more if you'd like!)

Simple Syrup

- 1 cup of sugar

- 1 cup of water

  1. Make the simple syrup (remember you can always adjust the quantity!) by adding 1 cup of water to a small pot then add the 1 cup of sugar.

  2. Once all the sugar melts and it's starting to boil, remove from heat and transfer to a container to cool. You can also put it in the fridge to cool down. We don't want hot simple syrups but warm is okay!

  3. Prepare your tart shells/ ramekins.

  4. Prepare your waffles (if they are frozen, take them out to thaw at room temperature). DO NOT TOAST, they will dry out.

  5. Once the simple syrup has cooled, take it out and lay the waffles out on a deep dish or tray. We will soak the waffles in the simple syrup by pouring the syrup over the waffles.

  6. Put the soaked waffles back into the fridge.

  7. Now we'll make the ganache! Take 6 oz of whipping cream or heavy cream into a pot and heat it up to scald (this means to heat up until it is at the point before it begins to steam. This is to avoid that milk skin from forming as it will temper with the process).

  8. Once that reaches, remove from heat and add the 1/2 pound of dark sweet chopped chocolate, stirring it gently until smooth.

  9. Add the 1oz of butter and keep stirring until it all melted and smooth. Once done, remove from heat.

  10. Pour a generous amount of ganache into your tart shells or ramekins. Remember, we are putting waffles in there, so don't forget about density and volume! About halfway should be good; you can always add more ganache.

  11. Take out the soaked waffles from the fridge and add them into the tarts! Depending on which waffles you have purchased, you may need to cut them into smaller sizes to fit your tarts/ramekins!

  12. You can either serve these chilled or warm, with strawberries or nuts, the possibilities are endless! (You can even do a boozy version by adding some alcohol to your simple syrup ;) or you can add lemon juice and things like that!)

FINALLY, bechamel with ham, cheese and egg!

While this seems like a breakfast, this can be eaten for lunch as well. This recipe features our Brussels waffle, which can be either sweet or savoury. These waffles are available fresh OR you can purchase frozen packs. The plain Brussels waffles come in a pack of 6 and any savoury flavour has 4 in one pack. This is VERY cheese heavy so if that's for you, you may want to save this recipe in mind!

Below we have a video of our process but we will have written instructions for the bechamel.

YOU WILL NEED (2-4 waffles):

For bechamel sauce:

- 45g of butter

- 45g of flour

- 500g of warm milk

- pinch of salt

- pinch of pepper

- 75g of Swiss cheese (this is adjustable depending on how cheesy you'd like it)

- pinch of nutmeg

Patisserie Lebeau Brussels Waffles

OPTIONAL TOPPINGS- ham, more Swiss cheese, 2 fried eggs.

  1. Begin with the bechamel. Melt the butter first. Once melted, add the flour in and stir until it becomes a sort of paste. This is called a roux! It's the base for the bechamel.

  2. Slowly add the warm milk to the roux and keep stirring; avoid the roux from sticking to the bottom.

  3. Once it is smooth (no lumps!), add the salt, pepper and nutmeg for flavour. Once it is to your liking, add the swiss cheese.

  4. Keep stirring until everything is smooth! If you'd like more cheese you can but we will also be adding cheese later on top.

  5. Prepare your Brussels waffle (if they are frozen please ensure they are fully thawed out at room temp). Before we layer it up, toast your Brussels waffle LIGHTLY. That way, the waffle doesn't soak up too much of the bechamel sauce!

  6. Douse your Brussels waffle with bechamel sauce.

  7. Put whatever toppings you'd like! For our version, we put slices of ham, 2 friend eggs and some extra cheese on top.

  8. Next, we broil this bad boy until the cheese is a golden brown and melted. (Or you can use a microwave if you do not have an oven or toaster).

  9. Finally, and this is the most CRUCIAL STEP; dig in and enjoy!

We'll have more recipes in the future but for now, give these ones a try and let us know which one you liked better!




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